Auras: Spirituality in All its Colours

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Auras play a key role in many cultures. The fascinating concept of the aura provides a unique perspective of the nature of human energy and consciousness.

In this article, we will explore the origins of auras in various cultures and the interpretations that can be attributed to their various colours.

What is an aura?

Auras are considered subtle energy fields that surround living beings and reflect their emotional, mental and spiritual state. While some people claim to be able to see auras, others say they feel them or interpret them intuitively.

The notion of auras is rooted in many spiritual and philosophical traditions around the world. They are often associated with Hinduism and Buddhism, but the concept of auras can also be found in other spiritual philosophies as well.


The origins of the concept of auras

In Hindu philosophy, auras are often associated with the chakras, those energy centres located along the spine. According to this branch of spirituality, auras are visual or sensitive manifestations of the vital energy flowing through the chakras. In fact, for centuries, yogis have been practising techniques aimed at balancing and harmonizing these energies to achieve a state of well-being and heightened consciousness.

In Buddhism, auras are also considered manifestations of spiritual energy. Some schools of Buddhist beliefs interpret them as reflections of an individual’s state of meditation and spiritual awakening. Buddhist teachings encourage the cultivation of qualities such as compassion, wisdom and concentration to purify and illuminate the aura.

Otherwise, auras are often interpreted in the context of parapsychology and metaphysics. Although their existence is not scientifically proven, many people report experiences of aura perception through practices such as meditation, visualization or clairvoyance.


The significance of auras

The significance of auras varies according to individual beliefs and interpretations. For some, they are a reflection of a person’s emotional and spiritual health, while for others, they can reveal information about personality, innate talents or even past lives.

Whatever their interpretation, auras are often associated with a quest for spiritual connection and a desire for deep understanding of oneself and others. As a result, auras can provide some people with clues to answers at some point in their life journey, when they feel the need.


The various colours of auras

Auras are often described as having various colours, each with its own symbolic meaning. Although interpretations vary, certain colours are commonly associated with specific traits.

It is important to note that the meanings attributed to the colours can vary according to various traditions and individual experiences. Nevertheless, here are some of the most commonly evoked aura colours and their interpretations:


  • Red: Associated with energy, vitality and passion. People with a red aura are said to be dynamic and enterprising.
  • Orange: Associated with creativity, joy and optimism. People with an orange aura are said to be free-spirited and innovative.
  • Yellow: Associated with mental clarity, intellect and positivity. People with a yellow aura are said to be intelligent and communicative.
  • Green: Associated with love, harmony and healing. People with a green aura are said to be empathetic and compassionate.
  • Blue: Associated with inner peace, wisdom and spirituality. People with a blue aura are said to be calm and intuitive.
  • Violet: Associated with spirituality, transcendence and connection with the divine. People with a violet aura are said to have a deep sense of spirituality and higher consciousness.


Finding peace in spirituality, in your own way

Although auras can be perceived as a mysterious branch of spirituality, for some they provide a source of peace of mind and serenity. Whether you believe in their existence or not, exploring the concept of auras can help you find deeper meaning in your own inner journey.

Whatever your approach, keeping an open and curious mind can enrich your spiritual journey and help you better understand yourself and the world around you.

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