How to Choose a Cemetery or Burial Site

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Choosing a burial site in Greater Montreal following a cremation is a deeply personal and significant decision involving a number of important considerations. Whether it’s a traditional cemetery, a modern columbarium or a private scattering site, each option has its own advantages and aspects to consider.

In this article, we will provide the details of the burial options available to you when choosing Crématorium Montréal’s cremation services for yourself or a loved one.


Questions to consider when choosing a burial site

When planning their funeral pre-arrangements or following the death of a loved one, many people opt for cremation as a means of disposing of the body. Once the ashes of a deceased person have been sealed in an urn, it is always possible to access the final resting place at a burial site.

Before choosing a burial site for your own urn or that of a loved one, it’s a must to consider several key factors that will guide that decision. This is not a decision to be taken lightly. As Lucie Marsolais, Executive Director of Crématorium Montréal, explains:

“When choosing a burial site for a loved one or for themselves, clients are often looking for a landmark, like a place close to their family, for example. Choosing a burial site is nebulous, nevertheless; it’s not like buying land for a house. You buy it for life”.

In order to make an informed decision, we encourage you to ask yourself the following questions:


What is your budget?

The first aspect to consider is the burial budget. Crématorium Montréal offers a range of options with various pricing levels, enabling families to find a solution that is in keeping with their financial means, while guaranteeing quality services.


Does the location have to be nearby?

For some people, the burial site, whether a columbarium or a cemetery, needs to be close to their home or that of their loved ones. Crématorium Montréal offers locations in several cemeteries in the Greater Montreal area, thereby ensuring convenient nearby access for families and loved ones.


Does the burial site have to be accessible?

Another important point is the accessibility of the burial site, so that loved ones can find their way around with flexibility. Crématorium Montréal offers environments that make it easier for loved ones to pay their respects, despite the passage of time.


What are the wishes of the deceased?

If the deceased expressed certain wishes before his or her death, whether in a will, a Record of Wishes, prior arrangements or simply verbally or in writing, it is of the utmost importance to respect them. Crématorium Montréal offers complete personalization of any burial site, including choice of urn, style of monument and engraved inscriptions.


Burying the urn at the cemetery: for a traditional burial

In the same way as for a body, a cinerary urn can be buried. Crématorium Montréal offers a variety of options for plots in private cemeteries in the Greater Montreal area, in order to better meet the specific needs of the families it serves.


Individual plot

Crématorium Montréal offers individual plots in underground vaults specially reserved for cinerary urns. These spaces offer a private and secure resting place, thereby ensuring peace of mind for bereaved families wishing to honour the memory of a loved one in a traditional way.


Family plot

Family plots are a popular option, enabling several family members to be grouped together at the same burial site. Crématorium Montréal offers plots for up to 6 people, with a customizable granite plaque to commemorate the life of the deceased in a lasting way.


Personalized monument

Did you know that Crématorium Montréal offers personalized monuments? These represent the unique values of each individual. With the ability to engrave inscriptions in 13 different languages, Crématorium Montréal recognizes and respects the cultural and linguistic diversity of Greater Montreal and thereby ensures authentic representation of the families it serves.

Find out when is the best time to have your monument made.


Ecological cinerary urns

Ecological urns are an environmentally friendly alternative for people looking to reduce their ecological footprint after death. Crématorium Montréal offers a selection of biodegradable urns, ideal for burial in a cemetery or in a private natural space.

Do you have more questions? Here’s everything you need to know about cemeteries.


Preserving the urn in a columbarium: an accessible and meaningful option

In terms of burial space for a cinerary urn, columbariums represent a space that is both solemn and intimate. At Crématorium Montréal’s columbarium, families can choose from a range of niches to suit their needs and budgets.

Like cemetery plots, columbarium niches are available in individual or family sizes. Concession prices usually vary according to length of stay, layout, maintenance, size and location.

At Crématorium Montréal’s columbarium, your loved one’s ashes will be carefully preserved, protected from the elements and the passage of time.

Still have questions? Here’s everything you need to know about columbariums.


Scattering the ashes or keeping them close to home

In addition to “traditional” burial sites, such as the cemetery or columbarium, it is also possible to keep ashes at home, divide them among family members or scatter them outdoors, according to the wishes of loved ones or the deceased.  Each of these options has its advantages… and its points to consider.


Scattering the ashes

Scattering the ashes is a fairly common ritual in Quebec and elsewhere. It often comes about as a result of the wishes expressed by the deceased. If you want to scatter the ashes of a deceased loved one, it is important to note that it is against the law to do so where they could constitute a nuisance to others or in a way that violates the dignity of the deceased.


Keeping the ashes

For a number of people, keeping the ashes of a deceased loved one seems the most obvious option. Keeping the cinerary urn at home provides a period of transition after losing a loved one and thus slightly eases the grief of such a loss.

It is always possible to bury the cinerary urn or place it in a columbarium months or even years later, at the family’s convenience.


Funeral pre-arrangements: planning for a serene future

Crématorium Montréal’s online pre-arrangement form allows individuals to specify their preferences and make informed decisions without having to travel. This proactive approach gives families peace of mind, while ensuring that the deceased’s wishes are precisely and carefully respected.

The funeral pre-arrangement process at Crématorium Montréal is designed to be simple and accessible. With its intuitive form, families can specify urn preferences, type of burial, memorial service details and more, all from the comfort of their own home.


Choosing a burial site with Crématorium Montréal

Choosing a burial site in the Greater Montreal area is an important decision that deserves careful consideration. Crématorium Montréal offers a wide range of funeral and burial services to suit the needs and traditions of families from all walks of life.

Crématorium Montréal is committed to guiding you through the process with respectful, personalized solutions. Contact our team for assistance based on your particular situation.

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